Zenith Dog Training

Private Dog Training in Vancouver, WA

AKC Canine Good Citizen Testing in Vancouver, Washington

If you’re a dog owner in Vancouver, Washington, striving for a well-mannered and socially adept furry friend, the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) titling program might be just what you need. The testing encompasses three levels: CGC, CGCA (Advanced), and CGCU (Urban). Let’s dive into what each title entails and why it’s a valuable pursuit for you and your dog.

Canine Good Citizen (CGC)

The CGC title is the first step in the Canine Good Citizen program, designed to lay the foundation for dogs to become well-behaved members of society. The CGC test consists of ten basic obedience skills and manners that every dog should master. These include:

  1. Accepting a Friendly Stranger: Demonstrating that your dog can remain calm and well-behaved when approached by a friendly stranger.
  2. Sitting Politely for Petting: Ensuring your dog allows petting from a stranger without jumping or showing signs of aggression or shyness.
  3. Appearance and Grooming: Showing that your dog is comfortable with grooming and being handled by someone other than their owner.
  4. Walking on a Loose Leash: Proving that your dog can walk calmly on a leash without pulling.
  5. Walking Through a Crowd: Your dog should navigate through a crowd politely and without anxiety.
  6. Sit and Down on Command and Staying in Place: Demonstrating your dog’s ability to follow basic commands.
  7. Coming When Called: Ensuring your dog reliably comes when called.
  8. Reaction to Another Dog: Your dog must behave calmly around other dogs.
  9. Reaction to Distractions: Assessing how well your dog handles distractions without becoming anxious or aggressive.
  10. Supervised Separation: Testing your dog’s ability to remain calm when left with a trusted person for a short period.

Achieving a CGC title is something to be proud of and can provide a solid foundation for further training.

Canine Good Citizen Advanced (CGCA)

For those who have successfully completed the CGC test, the next step is the Canine Good Citizen Advanced (CGCA) title. Also known as Community Canine, the CGCA test assesses your dog’s skills in more complex, real-world situations. Key components of the CGCA include:

  1. Walking Through a Crowd: Advanced version, often in busier, more distracting environments.
  2. Passing Other Dogs: Demonstrating calm behavior in closer proximity to other dogs.
  3. Public Access Skills: Showing good behavior in public settings like parks or busy streets.
  4. Extended Stays: Proving your dog’s ability to remain in a stay position for longer durations.
  5. Advanced Recall: Testing recall ability in a variety of environments and with distractions.

This level is aimed at ensuring your dog is a well-mannered member of the community, ready to accompany you on various outings and activities.

Canine Good Citizen Urban (CGCU)

The Canine Good Citizen Urban (CGCU) title is the pinnacle of the CGC program, designed for dogs living in urban environments. This test evaluates your dog’s ability to handle the unique challenges of city life. The CGCU test includes:

  1. Navigating Public Transportation: Demonstrating calm behavior on buses, trains, or in crowded stations.
  2. Elevator/Stair Etiquette: Ensuring your dog is comfortable and well-behaved in elevators or on stairs.
  3. Street Manners: Your dog must navigate busy streets, crosswalks, and sidewalks without anxiety or aggression.
  4. Dealing with Urban Distractions: Assessing your dog’s reactions to loud noises, traffic, and other common urban distractions.
  5. Advanced Obedience in Tight Spaces: Proving your dog’s ability to follow commands in confined and bustling areas.

The CGCU title is perfect for those who frequently take their dogs into the heart of the city and want to ensure they handle it with grace and poise.

Why Pursue Canine Good Citizen Titling?

  • Enhance Bond with Your Dog: Training and testing for CGC titles strengthens the bond between you and your dog, building mutual trust and understanding.
  • Improve Behavior: CGC titled dogs tend to be better behaved and more adaptable to different environments and situations.
  • Community Recognition: CGC titled dogs are often more welcomed in public places, rentals, and communities that value responsible pet ownership.
  • Foundation for Further Training: CGC titles can be a stepping stone for advanced training, service dog work, and dog sports.

Exclusive Testing for Current Clients

In Vancouver, Washington, CGC testing, including CGCA and CGCU, is available exclusively to current clients of Zenith Dog Training.

Set your sights on Canine Good Citizen titles. It’s a rewarding journey that promises to enhance your dog’s behavior, boost your confidence as a dog owner, and strengthen the bond you share with your canine companion.

Happy training!